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Call for papers


Submitting a Proposal.


Indicative Dates

22nd May 2015 deadline to send a proposal

19th June 2015 answer for the approval of a proposal

6th July 2015 deadline for early bird registration


There are a variety of formats in the programme and we especially welcome contributions that are planned to include opportunities for debate and discussion. We encourage all forms of communication, participation and interaction with the audience. Please feel free to contact the Conference organisers if the formats below do not fit your needs and we can provide support in your submission.


The official language of the conference is English.


Seminar presentations include a 10-15 min. topical introduction followed by discussions within a 30 minute slot. Abstract for seminar presentation: 200-250 words.


A symposium consists of a number of presentations (between 2-6) illuminating various aspects on a common theme or project, linked by a “chair” who conducts the presentations and a "discussant" who comments on the papers and encourages audience feedback. Proposals should state whether the Symposium is to be 60 or 90 minutes. Abstracts consist of 250 words on the overall theme of the symposium and 150 words on each specific contribution.


Work-shops/round tables are small group forums for exploratory presentations of developmental work, research plans, professional experiences, theoretical issues etc. Proposal abstracts for work-shop/round tables should be 250 words, and each session has a maximum of one hour.


Poster presentations, exhibitions and performances Please provide an abstract giving a rationale for the presentation and clearly indicating the time, space and other resources required.


Practitioner and New Researchers' Workshops 1 hour Practitioner Workshops will invite 5 or 6 practitioners to highlight an issue or experience from their practice situation. The Workshop will be led and facilitated by an experienced and supportive chairperson. The workshops would normally be limited to approx 15 individuals.





The date for submitting a proposal has been extended: 11th June 2015




The submission of abstracts should be done using Easychair (click here) platform


Submissions may also be sent to



- Participatory  Research

- Social and community development research

- Action Research Perspectives and quality criteria

- Engaging in Action Research and challenges for participants

- The of role evaluation in Action Research

- Action Research and empowerment in different settings

- Action Research for promoting change in adverse times            

- Action Research and children's learning and well-being

- Critical issues in developing Action Research across disciplines 

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